Livable Kitchen Layout tips

Making a kitchen livable has little to do with its appearance and functionality. If you’re planning a kitchen, here are a couple of layout ideas to keep in mind.

Kitchens are high-traffic areas. If your kitchen is a dumping ground for coats, bags and posts, consider creating space before entering the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, ensure primary pathways are not obstructed if the oven or fridge door is opened. 

When planning your kitchen, it’s also important to keep the main tasks of preparing, serving and cleaning up afterwards in mind. You don’t want to be putting key elements of the kitchen too far apart, e.g. the oven across the room from the sink. If you’re lucky enough to have space for an island, make sure it’s not too close or too far away. It’s a pain if it interferes with opening the fridge or the dishwasher.