While constructing your dream house, it should be ensured that kitchen is having proper space and ventilation. All the electrical fitments, plumbing arrangements should in such a way that they do not disturb the normal water design of the house and all the pipelines are well connected to the main water outlet system. Apart from the above, a kitchen must have well designed electric fitments. Lighting arrangement should be according to the placement of things. Every cupboard should have under cabinet lights. Power plug must be installed closer to the pace earmarked for Fridge.
Berths and ventilation
Every berth constructed in the kitchen must be on the height not more than 2’9” because of easiness in cooking. Sink should be placed according to the construction. Direction of kitchen should be according to the architectural rules. Cross ventilation should be ensured so that fresh air is available in kitchen at all times. Kitchen should not be crowded as placement of various things and construction of cupboards more than requirement also should not be there.