We often don’t realise how important lighting is for the kitchen until it’s not there or it’s bad. That’s why, when you begin planning a kitchen remodelling project, your kitchen lighting plan should be one of the first things you plot out and one that you definitely should not skimp on or neglect.
Recreate your kitchen by having windows that can let in much bright light so that you can reduce electricity needs. You can also use patio doors, skylights, and entry doors with glass panels so that the sunlight can penetrate through spaces and add some light into dark corners and sides. Note that this day-lighting is environment-friendly and priceless. On the other hand, you must make sure that the design of such windows and doors must be quite flexible since winter can cause lesser heat and colder temperature while hotter and warmer during summer.
Another step to brightening any kitchen is to accessorise properly. Hanging dark, heavy curtains or blinds will obviously diminish any lighting effects you’ve installed. An interesting contemporary design concept is to decorate your walls with items that are polished and gleaming. Copper and tin pans that hang from the ceiling on or your back splash add a touch of shine to any room. Utilise your cabinet back lighting by placing a unique crystal vase or heirloom serving dish directly in the spotlight. Additionally, be sure to keep your stainless steel elements clean and streak-free. Not only will this task show off your appliances but also eliminate residue and grease build-up.
However, the easiest solution to maintaining a bright look is to install a mirror. No matter what the size, any mirror will reflect the ambient light in your kitchen. To create the illusion of additional space, hang a mirror opposite a mirror and it’ll seem like your kitchen extends forever.